What is political correctness?
Political correctness is synomymous with socialism. In this USA this is often called liberalism. It is the philosphy of the anti-patriot. The patriot owes his highest form of secular allegiance to a patriarch; to the nation state; not to a supra-national collection of states.
For useful background reading, see also A Theory Of Civilisation by Philip Atkinson ( July, 2000)
The destruction of nationhood
Political correctness demands a move from nationalism to supra-nationalism or globalism.
In the United Kingdom this has led to the destruction of nation hood. We first saw the destruction of our traditional county system - see Counties - The Traditional Counties of Great Britain (SterlingTimes). Then we saw the sell out of the UK to the European Union. Then we saw "devolution" whereby England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland were provisionally separated from the UK. Now we see that England apparently doen't exist.
England no longer exists - official! England is regionalised by the EU.
England no longer exists - official! From "Best of British" magazine July 2001. Note that the URL given in the article is incorrect: http://europa.eu.int/abc/eu_members/uk/index_en.htm
Cultural destruction
These pages show how political correctness redefines our culture. Empire, imperialism, conservative, and nationalism are considered to be offensive by the politically correct. Flag waving and national celebration are considered to be obscene.
We read the following leading question on the BBC Today Programme message board: "Land of Hope and Glory: dropped twice at the Proms, is it time to ban it from all public concerts, does it send out the wrong messages about the British?" Question posed by the BBC.
Political correctness deems that all races and all cultures should live together happily in racial harmony. It demands that there must be no barriers to the free movement of people around the world. There must be no immigration controls.
The rewriting of history
Margaret Thatcher, Enoch Powell, Cecil Rhodes, Rudyard Kipling and Baden Powell are all to be considered to be the rogues of history despite their fine contribributions to our nation.
We will cover the desire for the classless society elsewhere in these pages.
Thr rules of good etiquette have been replaced by the rules of political correctness.
Stop Press! Have you heard about the farmer in England who shot and killed a gipsy [politically correct term in England is "traveller"] burglar? He's now in prison convicted of murder - poor sod! Self-defence is no offence - Free Tony Martin and see also the Sterling times: Tony Martin page for background.