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In Britain, we are very fond of our little people of advertising. They are very much part of our national culture. From the Bisto Kids (Ah! Bisto) to the Smash Martians, we associate with them, their speeches, and their songs.
Unfortunately, there has often been a tendency to ban them or to tell us that they have outlived their usefulness. A few of the images are provided in these pages.
Tetley Tea Folk
The Tetley Tea Folk have been the public face of Tetley tea since 1973. Led by Gaffer, the Tetley Tea Folk represent all that is good about tea, whether its the care that goes into the preparation, the flavour you enjoy as a result, or the satisfaction gained from enjoying a cup of tea with friends and family. Sydney is a gentle and kind fellow who is always on hand with a well made cup of Tetley tea in times of a crisis. Although he may not be the cleverest of people, his kind heart and occasional daftness mean that, even when he gets himself into trouble, he is well loved and highly thought of by his peers. http://www.teafolk.com/. The Teafolk are: Gaffer, Sydney, Archie, Tina, Maurice, Gordon and Clarence. Song
The Lads from Country Life
"We are the lads from Country Life". "You'll never put a better bit of butter on your knife." "It's country life it's English too, From the cows to the dairy, from the dairy to you."
Those yellow butter men were on our screens in the 1980s with their Wurzel type songs before disappearing back into the slab. Can anyone please provide me with a picture of the Buttermen, or a recording of their song?
Bertie Bassett
Bassett's display tin, late 1920s.
Liquorice Allsorts came about by chance in 1899. A sample tray of liquorice lines was inadvertently knocked to the floor in front of a wholesaler.; thew resultant mixture of sweets lookedc so excitin that he wholesaler asked for a suppoy of all sorts to be mixed up together. The character of Bertie Bassett first appeared in the late 1920s.
The Marmite Chefs
My father used to say, "Mar might; Par won't".
Perhaps the Marmite chefs should be better known. Perhaps we should have a campaign to relaunch them.
Marmite is dark brown-colored savory spread made from the yeast that is a by-product of the brewing industry. It has a very strong, slightly salty flavor. It is definitely a love-it-or-hate-it type of food.It comes in small (2-5 inches high) bulb-shaped glass jars with a distinctive yellow lid.Children in Britain are generally fed it from the time they are weaned, and most never grow out of it. It has a high B-vitamin content, as well as riboflavin and niacinand as such is very healthy. (The vitamin-B complex helps prevent anemia.) The Marmite FAQ
Golly Sacked after 73 Years' Service
Robertson's says goodbye to Golly Also see Save Our Golliwogs
Robertson's has ditched its Golly emblem after 73 years.
Golly brooches are to be replaced with a badge range featuring seven Roald Dahl characters, and the Golly figure will be removed from jars.
The company denies that the change was prompted by political correctness and accusations of racism. A spokesman told us: "The golly image is no longer relevant to families and children, as indicated by our market research.
"Children don't have any warmth towards Golly any more."
The Golly collector scheme will be running on Robertson's mincemeat until Christmas. Golly first appeared as a trademark on Robertson's literature in 1910, and has often been the subject of controversy.
In 1984, before the Queen opened the Liverpool Garden Festival, Robertson's were asked by Merseyside County Council to remove the gollies from their jam garden.
The Greater London Council also debated the use of Robertson's jam in schools whilst Golly remained the jars.
Story filed: 00:15 Thursday 23rd August 2001
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