Very British! Memorable Images 7

About the League of Ovaltineys

The Ovaltiney Club, founded in 1935 and broadcasting from Radio Luxembourg every Sunday evening from 5.30 to 6 p.m. became a secret society for children, with its own badges, rule books, and inside codes: by 1939 it had five million members. The programme's signature tune, 'We are the Ovaltineys' , became probably the best-known jingle in the world; and was so well embedded in the national subconscious that the company was persuaded to revive it as part of its television commercial in 1975.

Save our Golliwoggs

The earliest Golliwog is the hero in books of verse written by Bertha Upton in the 1890's, and illustrated by her daughter Florence. The mother and daughter worked together on twelve illustrated books, all featuring the gallant little character and his adventures traveling to such exotic destinations as Africa and the North Pole, accompanied by his friends, the Dutch Dolls.

Though the original Golliwog character was a kindly fellow always lending a hand to those in trouble, later authors portrayed him very differently. Over the years he became a rascal, was often up to no good, and even portrayed as a mean spirited character. Consequently his reputation slid and because of his poor reputation and dark color, he began to be considered "politically incorrect."

Little Black Sambo

A children's favourite since 1897 by Helen Bannerman.

Sterlingtimes Television Site

Jean Morton, a continuity announcer on ATV, was sent the two koala stuffed toys in 1962 and took them on screen; they proved to be a big success. Before long puppets were made to replace the original toys, and The Tingha and Tucker Club was formed. The club itself attracted about 750,000 members until the Post Office and ATV couldn't cope with the volume of mail and had to close it. Thousands of children attended meetings of the club, where the secret sign would be exchanged.

Muffin the Mule

Muffin the Mule Collectors' Club

"In 1933, my father, Jan Bussell, scribbled an outline of a mule on the back of an envelope and asked a Punch and Judy man to make him a kicking mule and a clown - presumably to be kicked. My parents had been touring with their show "the Hogarth Puppets" for some time and had got very slick, consequently the running time was a little short and they needed a new act. This act with the clown being kicked and tossed around the stage proved very popular with the children but they actually found it rather boring to perform so it was eventually dropped. The clown was used in the puppet circus with various other acts but the mule was put on a shelf and forgotten.

In 1946, shortly after television resumed transmission after the war, Annette Mills was appearing fairly regularly in Children's Hour.........

Sterling Music

Hello Children Everywhere - Classic Children's Records

For generations of children Saturday morning was one of the great highlights of the week. Although the weekday "Children's Hour" provided rich entertainment for those between the ages of potty and puberty , Uncle Mac's selection of record requests was something very special: you might even hear your name being read out! Sheer bliss!!!

Larry the Lamb and Norman and Bones the Boy Detective were all very well in their way, but to have your spine chilled by the evil Troll in The Tree Billy Goats Gruff or listen to The Runaway Train blowing its erratic way do
wn the track - now that was a different thing entirely.

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