Paintings by George Morland - 1
Morland Women 1
SterlingTimes Homepage

Use links at bottom of page to page-forward: there are over 100 pages of Morland images so far. Morland is thought to have produced about 4,000 pictures during his lifetime. I'm adding more as I find them. I always appreciate computer image donations. The pages may be slow to load. Please note that some of the paintings may not be authentic - I'm including some images that are definite forgeries just for the record.


Size of original picture 16.5 x 13.5 inches

Edward Bell
English , active 18th century
Mutual Confidence, or the Sentimental Friends, 18th century
Color aquatint
53 x 37.3 cm (image) inches


Size of original picture 11.5 x 9.5 inches

Also engraved by C. Knight in 1788.


Also engraved by C. Knight in 1788.

Size of original picture 11.5 x 9.5 inches

Belinda or the Billet-Doux

Also engraved by Burrows. Published by J. Read 1794.

Belinda or the Billet-Doux

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