This unusual and very amusing CD features the well matched Alberts, Temperance Seven, and the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band. The song, "Ukelele Lady" stars Peter Sellers. Whereas some of the music is American, The Alberts proclaim, "it may be rubbish, but at least it's English rubbish". Songs are mainly from the 1920s. "On her doorstep last night" also appears on the Music of the 20th Century CD performed there by Jack Payne and his Band (1929). It's a real shame that the Bono Dog Band cannot sing without reference to LSD and the like. "You're driving me crazy was a 1960's number one for the Temperance Seven.
1. Morse code melody - Alberts
2. Sahara - Temperance Seven
3. Ali Baba's camel - Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band
4. Everybody loves my baby - Temperance Seven
5. On her doorstep last night - Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band
6. Hard hearted Hannah - Temperance Seven
7. Sleepy valley - Alberts
8. Jazz delicious hot disgusting cold - Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band
9. Vo do do de o blues - Temperance Seven
10. I'm going to bring a watermelon - Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band
11. To my girl tonight - Milligan, Spike & The Massed Alberts
12. You gotta go now - Milligan, Spike & The Massed Alberts
13. You're driving me crazy - Temperance
14. Dr Jazz - Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band
15. Pasadena - Temperance Seven
16. By a waterfall - Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band
17. Kaiser drag - Temperance Seven
18. My brother makes noises for - Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band
19. Talkies - Sellers, Peter & The Temperance Seven
20. Ukelele lady - Sellers, Peter & The Temperance Seven
21. Blaze away - Alberts
22. Running wild - Temperance Seven
23. Jollity farm - Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band
24. Thanks for the melody - Temperance Seven
25. Laughing blues - Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band
26. TCP (That certain party) - Temperance Seven
27. Hunting tigers out in Indiah - Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band
28. Goodbye dolly gray - Alberts
Temperance Seven: their rare 1962 American album
For a very brief while, back in the very early '60s, there was a revival of '20s music. It would come to the public's attention in a big way with the song "Winchester Cathedral", but before that there was the Temperance Seven. A British aggregation that loved reproducing the feel and sound of '20s dance bands, they seemed to have stepped right out of a time machine.
In a strange way, they have a rather oblique connection to the Bonzo Dog Band, in that they played the same sort of music, knew each other and drew inspiration from each others antics.
This was their only American Lp release and disappeared into the twisting mayhem that was US pop culture in 1962. If you like the Bonzos, Leon Redbone, and even Ian Whitcomb, you'll dig these goofy tracks from the era of flappers and singers with megaphones.
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