Sterling Times
    Sterling Times,_"the virtual scrapbook of British nostalgia", is here in celebration of "Uncool Britannia". It's the site where etiquette is still more important than political correctness. SterlingTimes focuses upon some of the eccentricities of British culture. It's about old and vintage radio, television, music and literature. It's about Englishness and patriotism. Update 17 August 2014. NOTE: This site is now very old and is not maintained. It was build by using a webeditor that no longer exists. The correct email address is . I will continue to correct later during 2014.    
Ovaltineys Section
  We are the Ovaltineys, little girls and boys,
Make your requests, we'll not refuse you,
We are here just to amuse you,
Would you like a song or story?
Will you share our joys?
At games and sports we're more than keen,
No merrier children can be seen,
Because we all drink Ovaltine
We're happy girls and boys.
  We are the Ovaltineys - Little Girls and Boys  
  Ovaltineys' Page  
  Please visit my Ovaltineys' Page with links to the following: Happy days are here again, We are the Ovaltineys, Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye. Official Rule Book of The League of Ovaltineys. Ovaltineys' sheet music. Good News for Ovaltineys. Ovaltineys' Long Play (LP) Record. "We are the Ovaltineys" - CD or cassette available for purchase from "This England".  
  Gotcha! - The Falkland Islands Victory.  Images of Empire.
Story of Bill & Ben's Market Stall.
Not racialist, not sexist, just a sensible look at a century of Political Incorrectness with Goliwoggs, Turtle Soup and Tiger Skins.
Yesterday's Shopping prices in £-s-d.
  The Great British Experience   Save Our Golliwogs! La Fontaine fable Le Coche et La Mouche, The Stagecoach and the Fly. About.
Haut de Cagnes - an Englishman's love for this Medieval village of Cagnes-Sur-Mer in the South of France. _
Buy from Amazon
  Dick and Dora with Nip and Fluff from the_ Happy Venture Readers
Hello Children Everywhere: Classic Children's Records - with Radio London DJ Ed "Stewpot" Stewart and Derek McCulloch (Uncle Mac)
Bowler Hatted Heroes _from Sir Winston Churchill to Mr Benn.
About Me
  Rievaulx   I'm pictured (below) visiting Father Christmas in Lewis's department store in Birmingham (1960). My riding days were just beginning.

Muffin the Mule
Genealogy Section
  Isaac Lewis 1849 - 1927 emigrated from Neustadt _ in Lithuania in 1870. He arrived poor in South Africa, initially working as a pedlar. In 1871, he set off with his partner, Sammy Marks, to what was to become the Kimberley diamond mine. He traded in scarce goods and then in diamonds. Lewis and Marks moved from success to success becoming largely responsible for the industrialisation of the Transvaal.   ISAAC LEWIS  
  Go to Stephen Lewis' Genealogy Page . He owned _ Bedgebury Park in Kent and Leeuwenhof in Capetown.
Nostalgia Links


Please report any broken links.
Stephen Roy Lewis, LLB (Hons) (Open), MBA, I Eng, MIET, MCIPS - G8JCT